Last week, I was blessed with the opportunity to take part in a Farming God’s Way Outreach. There were several purposes of this week including: sharpening our training skills, reaching out to three different communities teaching Farming God’s Way, assisting farmers in these communities with setting up their FGW gardens, assessing prospective FGW accredited trainers (infield mentoring), and to network with other FGW family members.
Farming God’s Way outreach team
We started the week off getting refreshed on our skills by Grant Dryden, who is the author of all the Farming God’s Way materials. It was a great learning experience to get trained by the source himself.
Grant Dryden teaching
On Tuesday and Wednesday, we worked in three different villages around Jinja. I was on the team that trained in a village called Tongolo. We had a great group of farmers that were eager to learn.
Soil erosion demonstration
On Thursday, we worked with the farmers to help them implement a demonstration plot so they could practically learn the Farming God’s Way techniques. We also ministered to the farmers and prayed for their needs. We even had a Muslim lady ask us to pray for her! One of the trainers even demonstrated our service to them by washing a woman’s feet.
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