Farming God's Way

Farming God's Way

Farming God’s Way is a resource that we use on our 22 acre farm to equip farmers with skills to break the yoke of poverty. 

The Word of God says in Hosea 4:6 ‘My people perish because of a lack of knowledge.’

We believe that Farming God’s Way is part of God’s solution for Africa, where it can be turned around from being the “begging bowl” to the “bread basket of the world”.

Farming God’s Way is simply a tool of equipping to empower the poor to help themselves. Farming God’s Way was originated before man was on the face of the earth, when God first put His ways in place to govern His creation and their interrelations with one another. God is the master farmer who has been farming this way since the beginning and by simply following His Ways, amazing solutions to the food security and poverty crisis can be revealed.

Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

Farming God’s Way is not just a technology, but a well-balanced biblical, management and technological solution for the agricultural domain, to come out of poverty with what God has put in their hands, and to reveal the fullness of His promised abundant life.

  • Biblical

    God’s Word brings the revelation and enlightenment that the yoke is first and foremost a spiritual yoke. If we only deal with the technical and management keys we will not be able to deliver the poor. We teach six major biblical keys to unlocking the potential of the land and its people.

    1. Acknowledge God and God alone
    2. Consider your ways
    3. Understanding God’s all-sufficiency
    4. What you sow you will reap
    5. Bring the tithes and offerings to God
    6. Stake your claim
  • Management

    We have to teach the poor to make a sustainable profit for them to come out of poverty.

    The 3 management keys are:

    1. On time
    2. To high standards
    3. With minimal wastage
  • Technology

    Technically, the laws that God has put in place in creation for the most productive ecosystems in the world include little or no soil disturbance, no destruction or incorporation of surface organic residues and a significant biodiversity of species. In keeping with this we model our agricultural practices on the above through:

    1. No ploughing
    2. 100% mulch covers (which we refer to as God’s Blanket)
    3. Practicing rotations
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