
About Us

Our Team

Klint Ostermann

Executive Director

Vicki Ostermann

Administrative Manager

White Furniture in the Office

Our Mission

The mission of Heart for Uganda is to empower individuals and organizations in Uganda to meet their needs in culturally relevant and sustainable ways.

Our Vision

Our vision for Uganda is that individuals and organizations are empowered to meet their own needs without outside involvement.
Man Sitting in Yellow Bench
White Furniture in the Office

Our Values

  • Christ followers

    We accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, deny ourselves, and take up our cross daily.

  • Honesty

    We speak and act honestly.  We are open and factual in our dealings with our constituents, donors, the government, the public at large and each other.  We endeavor to convey a public image conforming to reality.  We strive for consistency between what we say and do.

  • Respect

    We respect the dignity, uniqueness, and intrinsic worth of every person–our constituents, our donors, our staff and their families, our board and our volunteers.  We regard all people as created and loved by God.  We give priority to people before money, structure, systems, and other institutional machinery.  We respect that the culture of Uganda is different from our native culture and anything we do must take their culture into account.  We celebrate the richness of diversity in human personality, culture, and contribution.

  • Professionalism

    We demand high standards of professional competence and accept the need to be accountable through appropriate structures for achieving these standards.  We share our experience and knowledge with others where it can assist them.

  • Accountability/Integrity

    We are honest and transparent with what we do and say, and accept responsibility for our collective and individual actions.  We recognize that we are accountable to our donors, constituents, the government, and the public at large for our management of our finances, operations, programs and outcomes.

  • Empowerment

    We are called to serve the neediest people of Uganda, to relieve their suffering and promote the transformation of their condition of life through empowerment.

  • Sustainability

    We are committed to serving Ugandans for the long haul.  We seek to implement systems and programs that can be sustainable until all needs are met.

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