We’ve reached 100 days until we leave for Uganda! For me this is a bittersweet time. I am so looking forward to beginning our time in Africa doing what the Lord leads us to, but on the other hand I only have 100 days left of life as I know it. I’ve been thinking the past couple of days that once we leave here it will be a bit like it was when we had our first baby. Those of you that are parents know that life can be segmented into two parts- life before kids and life after kids. I think it will be a bit like that- life before Uganda and life after. It won’t all be bad or sad because I know we’ll get to be a part of some AMAZING things!
As we have reached 100 days it also brings up feelings of anxiousness as well. We have currently raised 56% of what we need to live on and raise our family. We are going as independent missionaries which means we have to raise support from family, friends and churches. I don’t have a doubt in my mind that we’ll be fully funded at the time of departure, God has been providing in amazing ways for us. Please join me in prayer that these funds will come in. I love to think that those that are giving and will give to our mission are serving right along beside us even thought they aren’t physically there. We simply can’t do this without support from our wonderful friends and family! Also, please pray for us as a family as we get ready to make a big life change. We sincerely appreciate all the prayers and support everyone is giving us!
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